A reporter of Dinamani, a Tamil daily from Chennai (Dated Tuesday, September 6, 2011) has published a photo of the dilapidated toilet meant for boys and presented a grim picture of the Municipal Boys’ High School (classes 6 to 10) with the student strength of 1500 in Rajaji Street Nungambakkam, a posh colony of the city saying that basic facilities like urinal (toilet), pure drinking water and clean environment were lacking as lamented by the parents for quite some time.
The boys are using the open ground with bushes as their urinal and toilet located near the class rooms of XI and XII students tolerating the bad smell while studying in a nearby building. What a great name for the Chennai municipal administration in the state capital of Tamil Nadu? Who is to blame for this condition? When do we expect improvement in this school and similar schools in other parts of Tamil Nadu?
All talks of successes and tall claims will carry no meaning unless steps are taken to redress this grievance without further delay.