"Rich-poor rift unacceptable"
says Mr. Kapadia, the Chief Justice of India.
"We need to compete with China. Economic prosperity has to happen but I don't want 300 million to prosper at the cost of 700 million. Here comes the role of judiciary" he said at a Law Day function in Supreme Court.
It sounds like the speech of a Prime Minister on a Republic Day rally. I wish such people do become the PM of this country at least for two decades so that we can certainly compete with China and be a developed nation very soon. He realises the load on the judiciary in the country at the moment and trying to exhort his colleagues and subordinate judges to take a resolve to wipe out the pendency of all the old cases pending more than five years by 2012. He also knows the sanctity of separation of powers between the judiciary and the other two wings namely, legislative and executive which are expected to exercise their powers fearlessly and impartially.
A similar expression was recorded by the Chief Justice of Madras High Court Mr Justice M.Y.Eqbal on the inauguration of 150th anniversary celebration of the Court in the presence of some five Supreme court judges that all the cases connected with motor accident (1.25 lakh in numbers as against a total 16.9 lakh cases as on December 31, 2010 pending in the state) and cheque-bouncing pending till date are disposed of within a year. The social and public concern voiced by the higher judiciary at the moment is indeed praise-worthy. Some scientific scrutiny of the litigations pending before several courts of this country is the need of the hour. We are sure the present community of the learned judges are competent and conscious of their duties and responsibilties towards the Constitution of India.
India is in safe hands!