Monday, October 12, 2015

Ageing of a person

As the person grows in age, his organs too start showing their diminishing utility and vitality in sharp contrast to their role in his/ her 20s and 30s.

Nature takes its toll uniformly without any discrimination.
Young friends better recognise the importance of their sense organs and limbs, enjoy life as per the need and purse without fail lest you regret later!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Spanish priest, in Mumbai since 1948, wants to die an Indian.

A Spanish Jesuit priest, Fr.Federico Sopena Gusi who will turn 90 next March , has a strong desire " to die as an Indian citizen on Indian soil" influenced by the poet Kabir. Although he lost his left leg 20 years ago in a road accident he continued to serve the poor and downtrodden esp. Katkari tribals in Raigad district of Maharashtra. He is trying to get Indian citizenship from Bandra district collector in the suburb of Mumbai with the help of a social activist from Pen taluk of Raigad district.

A missionary from Spain staying in India for more than 60 years wants to make India his home during his last days. What a sacrifice and service to the humanity - unheard and unreported by the media and unnoticed by the rulers of the day till now. Only such individuals uphold the dignity of human beings and repay the heavenly debt to The Lord of the Universe by selfless service like some of the great souls who lived and died on this planet. One would wish more of such individuals from various religious groups should come forward and help the poor and downtrodden in a big way on our soil.


Friday, October 9, 2015

"Babu-led Model Won't Work"

by Manoj Joshi in TOI on October 9, 2015

He talks about the need for the positive and aggressive role of politicians-ministers in effecting reforms in the economy and governance instead of supporting the usual style of bureaucrats in maintaining the status quo.

One should no doubt agree with this suggestion in general although a bit hard in achieving such a goal in entirety. The politicians have a weakness in believing the committed loyalty of some babus and acting on their advice blindly to the detriment of national and public interest invariably - an unfortunate development during and after the days of Indira Gandhi as PM  of India.

Centralisation of power in PMO  and CMOs is not necessarily a favourable development. What is wrong in decentralisation of actual powers to other elected ministers in the cabinet and taking them to task in case of deliberate mistakes and blunders. PMO is bound to suffer from omissions and commissions knowingly or unknowingly. Better to have a lean secretariat for PM and CMs in the days to come. 

One is afraid, the PMO is still not effective in ensuring follow up action on the promises and commitments made by the PM so far!