It is a timely suggestion by a former CBI Director contained under the above caption is certainly a thought provoking article dealing with the present condition of the Agency, its credibility currently in the eyes of the commander man, it's competency vis-a-vis it's dishonesty in handling sensitive cases pending for long, it's inadequate jurisdiction in starting an investigation on its own leading to prosecution, it's requisite expansion in terms of adequate as well as own staff in the near future etc. (by R.K.Raghavan, The Hindu December 5, 2016)
The present incumbent in the post of Director, whoever he or she may be, will have to be honest to the core financially and impartial to the hilt in decision making despite political and bureaucratic pressures. Only then the Agency would be worth its salt. A perfect understanding between the Prime Minister and the Director in its day to day functioning would certainly lead to its ultimate utility in Indian democracy!