STA (TOI) STICS. (Times of India, Saturday 29, 2016)
China's journey from being poorer than India to 5 times richer
China's economic reforms have worked much better than india's. That is perhaps because before starting its reforms China ensured three things : land reforms, better access to education and slower population growth.
1978 when China started reforms, average Chinese was 26 percent poorer than an average Indian.
GDP per capita (current U.S. Dollar)
India : 210
China: 155
1991 when India started reforms
India: 309
China: 331
2015 Chinese five times richer than Indian
India: 1582
China: 7925
In the running race for development India has failed miserably. Any particular reason for such a poor performance?
The reasons quoted by TOI group are relevant for discussion. Had India followed the same in 2-3 decades soon after independence, the situation would have been totally different. Our so called five year plans had not paid any serious attention to these issues despite the first prime minister of India following the soviet pattern of centralised planning. The politicians, the babus (including the entire government machinery) and the business community (including the industrialists) have been responsible for such a sorry state affairs. We the Indians seem to be good at talking but found to be bad in execution of plans and projects.
Let us reverse this trend and show our strength in the days to come