A sea of humanity gathered on Marina sands facing Bay of Bengal for a week seeking the revival of Jallikattu, a part of annual Pongal (harvest) festival in Tamil Nadu which stands banned by the orders of the Supreme Court of India since 2014 looking to the objection raised by an NGO called PETA on the ground of cruelty to the Bulls.
The people of Tamil Nadu feel that have been wrongly prevented from pursuing the bull-taming sport linked to their way of living and Tamil culture and customs . The ordinance promulgated by the Governor of Tamil Badu on January 22 has allowed the sport but the agitating young crowd is insisting on a permanent remedy only. The state police is now engaged in clearing the marina grounds with an argument that the people have already enjoyed freedom in demonstration of their grievance and succeeded in their demand with the timely action of the state government.
Right now (8.00AM on January 23, 2017) a crowd of about 1000 youths are standing near the sea waves and the police is trying to evacuate them.
As a former civil servant I would urge the people to respect the moves of the state government and its machinery and call off their agitation for a few weeks. They may wait and watch the activities of executive and judiciary for sometime and take further follow up action in the near future if necessary.