The state of Tamil Nadu received just ₹29,615 crore in investments of the ₹2.42 lakh crore promised by various industrialists at the global investors' meet (GIM) in September 2015 that was inaugurated by the chief minister J.Jayalalithaa, the government disclosed on Friday, June 23, 2017.
Many state governments have had, in the last two decades, tried their best by spending crores of rupees to attract the industrialists to come to their respective states, invest heavy sums and create employment potential to the local populations. Despite tall promises made in the presence of popular chief ministers, the investing industrialists have shied away from or delayed the establishment of their manufacturing units on account of practical difficulties faced by them on the ground .
It is worth investigating as to how much of an effort by different state governments have borne fruits and how much of funds have gone the drain due to unintelligent planning and worthless preparations by different departments in the governments. Ease of doing business mostly remains on paper, it appears.