Managed the Government institutions by designing, implementing as also evaluating the economic and social policies of both the federal and provincial governments for more than three and a half decades as professional planner and administrator in industrial and agricultural development.
Name: Dr.Raja P. Raghavan
Date of Birth: 18-7-1947, 63 years old
Ph.D. (Economics) 1992.University of Jabalpur
MA (Economics) 1970. University of Madras
Bachelor of Arts (Economics) 1968, University of Madras
Subject of study:
For Master’s Degree:
Principles of Economics/Macro economic theory, Indian Economics, Economic Statistics,
Money, Banking and International Trade, Public Finance, Economic thought, Mathematical Economics & Economics of Planning
For Ph.D:
“Economics of Small and Marginal Farmers."
Visiting Fellow (University of Oxford)
"Management of Agrarian and financial Resources in Indian Republic"
[Always stood first in the class and colleges attended. Obtained centum (100 out of 100 marks in two papers) in mathematics in under-graduation from University of Madras. Availed Merit Scholarship for six years up to Post-Graduation. Gold Medals for general proficiency in studies for two years in Loyola College, Madras while doing Master’s Degree in Economics]
Work History:
August, 2006 to October, 2006 Director General, Academy of Administration, Raipur in charge of Management Training to all the Government and semi-government officials including All India Service officers posted and working in the state.
Sept, 2005 to July, 2006 President Board of Revenue, the Chief Revenue Authority and the Head of the Apex court of Revenue Law (equivalent to the High Court) in the State.
2005 Principal Secretary, Department of Food and civil Supplies in charge of Massive Procurement of paddy from farmers under Minimum Support Price Scheme (3.6 million tonnes in 2004-05) on behalf of Government of India, Management of Public Distribution System for people living below poverty line with about 1.2 million ration cards in the state.
2003-05 Agriculture Production Commissioner & Principal Secretary in charge of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Cooperation and Fisheries Departments. Director on the Management Board of National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai and a member of the Executive Committee for sanction of Infrastructure loans running into several millions of rupees to different States and Refinance to State Cooperative banks in the country.
2001-03 Principal Secretary, Department of Industry, Commerce, Public Enterprises, Principal Secretary, Department of Mineral Resources Development, Commissioner of Industries, Commissioner of Geology and Mining, Managing Director of Chhattigarh State Industrial Development Corporation, Managing Director of Chhattigarh Mineral Development Corporation, Director on the Board of Chhattigarh Infrastructure Development Corporation headed by the Chief Minister, Convener and Manager of State Investment Promotion Board headed by the Chief Minister.
2000-01 Principal Secretary, General Administration Department, Government of Chhattisgarh, Setting up of a new Secretariat after the formation of Chhattisgarh State in November, 2000.
2000-01 Commissioner, Ujjain Revenue Division, Madhya Pradesh, Organised "Kalidas Samaroh" (a Festival in honour of great ancient Indian Poet) attended by the President of India. Devised and conducted a programme of hearing on public grievances in the court of Commissioner.
1998-00 Managing Director, M.P. State Cooperative S.C. Finance & Development Corporation, Bhopal in charge of arranging and financing large scale loans for the purchase of all types of motor vehicles like three wheelers, four wheelers viz. passenger cars, mini buses, trucks, tractors, harvester-combines, jeeps to the beneficiaries in the state for improving their economic status.
1996-98 Member Secretary, State Finance Commission, Bhopal to examine and recommend for a period of five years to the state government for statutory allocation of state revenues to the local bodies like Municipal Corporations, other town areas and Panchayats at the District, Janpad and Village levels.
1994-96 Managing Director, M.P. State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. Bhopal. Organized a State Level Seminar on "Marketing of Agri. Produce" and an exhibition on "Agri. Inputs " in May 1995 at Bhopal in which about 1000 Farmers from various parts of the State participated and benefited.
1993-94 Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford, U.K.
1993-Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corporation Bhopal in charge of development and exploitation of mineral resources like bauxite, phosphate, dolomite, alexandrite, corundum, diamond, river sand, lime stone etc. for the economic development of the state.
1992-93 Commissioner, Women & Child Development, Bhopal, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.
1990-92 Divisional Commissioner, Sagar Division Sagar, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Supervision and Co-ordination of Collectors of Five Districts in the Division. Chairman of Sagar Cooperative Dairy union, Regional Transport Authority in charge of regulation and granting of permits for motor vehicles run by transport companies.
1986-90: Regional Officer, Central Board of Film Certification, Madras, Department of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Information & Broad-Casting, Government of India.
1985-86: Director, Ministry of Labour, Government of India, New Delhi in charge of National Wage Policy, Minimum Wages Act, Bonus Act etc.
1982-85: Director, Employment and Training, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur in charge of Management of 80 Employment Exchanges and 51 Industrial Training Institutes for Training of around 12000 Craftsmen and Apprentices per annum, Management of District Man-Power Planning and Employment Generation Councils in 45 districts.
1977-82: Collector / District Magistrate / Development Administrator, In charge of General Administration, law and Order, Industrial Development, Rehabilitation of International Refugees, Setting up of an Industrial Estate, Land Acquisition for industrial projects in Betul & Sagar districts and Power Sub-stations all over Sagar District. Organization of Credit Camps at Block levels for sanction & delivery of rural credit and also Mobile Courts at different corners of the district for on-the-spot re-dressal of Public grievances, Disposal of revenue cases etc. Chairman of District Central Cooperative Bank, Betul & Sagar and Chairman of Betul & Sagar Dairy Projects. Project Director of Integrated Tribal Development Programme and Drought-prone Area Programme, Massive programme of organizing elected public representatives for Community Development Works.
1973-77 Development Administration at the Sub-Division and District Level. Encouraging Industrialization along with Management of Land Records.
1970: Assistant Economist, Directorate of Town Planning, Government of Tamil Nadu, Madras.
Projects Handled
Macro-level Planning and Policy-making:
The new State of Chhattisgarh in 2001-02 required a quick review of policies prevalent in the erstwhile State of Madhya Pradesh and to frame a new set of policies in various sectors relevant to the industrial growth in the light of its need and potential. This onerous job was entrusted to me in the capacity of Principal Secretary, Industry, Commerce and Public Enterprises. As many as Seventeen Policies including Industrial Policy, Mining Policy, Energy Policy, Housing and Environment Policy and Labour Policy were prepared with the help of concerned departmental heads and experts in the field and got approved by the State Cabinet in a record time i.e. on or before 1-11-01.
As the head of the industrial development in the state, I had maintained an excellent liaison and coordination among the top executives of several public and private sector giants like National Thermal Power Corporation, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, South Eastern Central Railway, National Mineral Development Corporation, Bhilai Steel Plant (a holding company of Steel Authority of India Ltd), Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, Jaiswal-Neco Pvt. Ltd and Major Cement Companies like L&T, Raymond, Century, La Farge, Ambujas, A.C.C etc
State Investment Promotion Board:
With a view to expediting the process of sanction and clearances of various kinds in the establishment of mega and medium industries, a felt-need was recognized to give statutory backing to the commitments announced by the state government by enacting a new legislation called the Chhattisgarh Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2002. The Act contained the fixed time frame for each and every activity for which the entrepreneur would move applications for approval / clearance or require recommendation to be sent to various agencies of Government of India. I was basically instrumental in bringing this legislation and also made in charge of its implementation in the initial period. This arrangement had indeed created a tremendous amount of faith and confidence among major investors of the country and as much as Rs. 600 Billion worth of proposals were received in such a short tenure of mine in the department and many of them got converted into M.O.Us executed and signed. Many new ventures like Cycle Park, Food Park, Gem & Jewellery Park and Garment Park were initiated by me and kept in different stages of implementation.
Balco (Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd) Expansion:
Government of India divested its major controlling share of the company and Sterlite Pvt. Ltd, took over its management after the intervention of the Supreme Court of India. Despite strong resentment and resistance on the part of state machinery, I had played a major role in changing the hostile atmosphere and successfully negotiated an expansion plan for Rs. 60 Billion and signed an M.O.U with this group in Chennai on 29th May 2002. This is one of the most successful plans executed and the best example of public-private partnership in the state so far.
Minerals and Metals:
As the Principal Secretary in charge of Mineral Resources and the Managing Director of Mineral Development Corporation for almost three years I was responsible for systematic development of various mines bearing minerals like bauxite, lime stone, marble stone, granite stone, gem stones like corundum, garnet etc., dolomite, iron ore, tin and uranium. After a thoughtful planning, I allowed for the first time major Multinational Companies like De Beers, Rio Tinto, Geo Mysore, to undertake Reconnaissance Survey on large tracts of land in the state to explore the possibility of metals like gold, platinum, copper and silver and minerals like diamond, alexandrite etc. for period of three years to be followed by prospective mining.
Similarly I was responsible for getting the first coalmine in the country under the revised guidelines (Tara - Hasdeo Arand coalfield) with a deposit of 315 million tons for State Mineral Corporation from the Government of India after a lot of persuasion and planning. I had also successfully negotiated and obtained many such coal blocks bearing several hundred million tons of deposits for captive mining by the steel companies established in the state both in the public and private sectors.
Other Projects
Land Reforms
Agriculture and allied activities: Farmers especially small and marginal land holders identified and helped through different programmes like horticulture, bio-gas plant, lift irrigation, cultivation of seeds and pulses etc. Animal husbandry measures. Farm Forestry and social forestry taken up with State funds.
Drought Relief Programme
As Chairman of Drought-Prone Area Development Programme in Betul District, Designed and developed medium term strategic corporate plans and strategies for creation of permanent assets to restrain the severity of drought conditions. Food for work programme launched with the surplus food stocks of the Government for creating employment to the farmers and land-less labourers in the countryside.
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Credit plans and annual action plans for rural development prepared and implemented with the help of various government departments and commercial and cooperative banking institutions. Intensive and extensive tours made in rural areas for about ten years at a stretch.
Wage Policy at the National level
Played a major role in revising the minimum wages under the unorganized sector for several occupations. Responsible for devising a method of calculating “Regional Minimum Wages” for different regions in the country during 1985-86.Took legal and administrative steps for establishment of National Wage Boards for Journalists and Sugar industry workers.
Woman and Child Development
As the Head of the Department, supervised the implementation of supplementary nutrition to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers with the help of agencies like CARE, WFP etc. health check-up and surveys and non-formal pre-school education to children between 3 and 6 years of age through 210 Integrated Child Development Scheme projects, with a network of 26650 Anganwadi (Service) Centres, covering about 25,00,000 beneficiaries. Devised measures and initiated schemes for the economic development of women in rural areas.
Training Undertaken
Ø "Man-power Planning & Management Development" in Institute of Applied Man power Research, New Delhi:
Ø "Management Development Programme" in Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
Ø "Computer Applications in Governemnt" by Computer Maintenance Corporation, New Delhi.
Ø "Management Concept, Decision-making technique" in Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad:
Ø "Advanced Course on Financial Management" in Institute of Financial Management and Research, Madras:
Ø "Industrial Policy, Planning and Development" in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore:
Ø "Ethics in Administration" in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy Of Administration, Mussoorie.
Ø "Refresher Course for Senior Managers" in Indian Instt.of Public Admn.New Delhi.
Ø "Negotiation Skills" in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore:
Ø "Foundation and professional Course for Indian Administrative Service Officers" in National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
Ø "Changing patterns of District Administration" in National Community Development Institute, Hyderabad
Ø "Opportunities for development of Fruits & Vegetables Processing and Marketing" in Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management, Pune
Ø "International Business Management" in Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad
Social Service:
Encouraged voluntary and Non-governmental organizations (N G Os) for more than two decades in every organization served so far starting with the Christian Missionaries (sisters) engaged in education and health care in the tribal belts of Jashpur Nagar (1973-75), Raigarh District and Padhar (1977-79), Betul District. Mobilized free labour for the community works involving youth, graduates and government servants and executed several projects in different places (1973-75, 1976, 1977-79, 1980-82, 1990-92). Organized camps for universal immunization for school-going children in rural areas.(1977-78). Organized tent touring as the collector of Sagar District and worked for the removal of untouchability in remote areas (1979-82). Encouraged and participated in eye-camps and rehabilitation of physically handicapped (1990-92). Had organized community participation in free manual labour for protection of a big lake (Sagar lake in M.P state), construction of roads and stop dams etc. (1990-92)
Honorary Societies:
An active honorary member of International Rotary Club. Awarded for the “Best Service to Society” by the Rotary Club at Sagar in 1991.
Governor of the province awarded a certificate of merit for doing excellent service through the medium of Hindi, as an Administrator (1984)
International Exposure:
Visited the following countries:-
United States of America
United Kingdom
France & Italy
Netherlands & Belgium
Luxembourg & Switzerland
Taiwan & Thailand
Singapore & Malaysia
Sri Lanka & Maldives
United Arab Emirates
Impact of P.L. 480 on Indian Economy,
Loyola College, Madras Annual Number 1969-70.
Economic Development with Social Justice: a paper read and published during the Annual conference of Madhya Pradesh ( the central and the biggest province in India) Economic Association, Bhopal, 1976.
Camp Approach in District Administration in July-December 1983 issue of “Management in Government”, the Journal of Administrative Reforms, Department of Personnel and A.R, Government of India, New Delhi Vol.No. XV No.2 and 3.
Self-employment in Rural Areas :Kurukshetra Vol.XXXII No.11 New Delhi, August 1984
Employment Opportunities at Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh “Sandesh” , a Journal of M.P. Government. Bhopal, 1984
Shortage Categories of Employment in Madhya Pradesh in ‘Rozgar and Nirman’ (Employment and Construction) a journal of M.P. Government, Bhopal, 1985
Heritage and Development of Sagar District, Sharda Publishing House, Delhi 1992.(Hindi)
Small farming in Central India Sharda Publishing House, Delhi 1995.
Unity of India, National Mail, Bhopal Oct,1997
Utility of Higher Education in Madhya Pradesh, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 22nd July, 1998
India’s Agriculture by 2020 A.D, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 6th September, 1998
Budget Receipts of Madhya Pradesh Government, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 21st September,1998
Strategy For Rural Development, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 29th November and 6th December,1998
Management of Water Resources in Madhya Pradesh, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 16th, 17th and 18th December,1998
Film Censorship in India under Fire? National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 31st December,1998
State Governments’ Role in Economic Reforms, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 10th February,1999
Insurance against Inflation in Indian context, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 16th February,1999
Electoral Reforms in India, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 22nd March,1999
The Lesson that Indore has to learn from the city of Surat (in Hindi) Nai Dunia, a vernacular daily from Bhopal, Dated 27th March,1999
Ancient Pataliputra and Modern Patna, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 31st March,1999
Progress and pitfalls of Indian Nascent Nationhood, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 7th April, 1999
Lazy and Lousy, National Mail, Bhopal 11th April,1999
Financial Resources of Bhopal ( the city-famous of world’s biggest industrial disaster in 1983) Municipal Corporation, M.P.Chronicle, 19th & 20th April, 1999
Campaign through Camps, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 11th May, 1999
Shortages and Surpluses, M.P.Chronicle, 24th may,1999
Name: Dr.Raja P. Raghavan
Date of Birth: 18-7-1947, 63 years old
Ph.D. (Economics) 1992.University of Jabalpur
MA (Economics) 1970. University of Madras
Bachelor of Arts (Economics) 1968, University of Madras
Subject of study:
For Master’s Degree:
Principles of Economics/Macro economic theory, Indian Economics, Economic Statistics,
Money, Banking and International Trade, Public Finance, Economic thought, Mathematical Economics & Economics of Planning
For Ph.D:
“Economics of Small and Marginal Farmers."
Visiting Fellow (University of Oxford)
"Management of Agrarian and financial Resources in Indian Republic"
[Always stood first in the class and colleges attended. Obtained centum (100 out of 100 marks in two papers) in mathematics in under-graduation from University of Madras. Availed Merit Scholarship for six years up to Post-Graduation. Gold Medals for general proficiency in studies for two years in Loyola College, Madras while doing Master’s Degree in Economics]
Work History:
August, 2006 to October, 2006 Director General, Academy of Administration, Raipur in charge of Management Training to all the Government and semi-government officials including All India Service officers posted and working in the state.
Sept, 2005 to July, 2006 President Board of Revenue, the Chief Revenue Authority and the Head of the Apex court of Revenue Law (equivalent to the High Court) in the State.
2005 Principal Secretary, Department of Food and civil Supplies in charge of Massive Procurement of paddy from farmers under Minimum Support Price Scheme (3.6 million tonnes in 2004-05) on behalf of Government of India, Management of Public Distribution System for people living below poverty line with about 1.2 million ration cards in the state.
2003-05 Agriculture Production Commissioner & Principal Secretary in charge of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Cooperation and Fisheries Departments. Director on the Management Board of National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai and a member of the Executive Committee for sanction of Infrastructure loans running into several millions of rupees to different States and Refinance to State Cooperative banks in the country.
2001-03 Principal Secretary, Department of Industry, Commerce, Public Enterprises, Principal Secretary, Department of Mineral Resources Development, Commissioner of Industries, Commissioner of Geology and Mining, Managing Director of Chhattigarh State Industrial Development Corporation, Managing Director of Chhattigarh Mineral Development Corporation, Director on the Board of Chhattigarh Infrastructure Development Corporation headed by the Chief Minister, Convener and Manager of State Investment Promotion Board headed by the Chief Minister.
2000-01 Principal Secretary, General Administration Department, Government of Chhattisgarh, Setting up of a new Secretariat after the formation of Chhattisgarh State in November, 2000.
2000-01 Commissioner, Ujjain Revenue Division, Madhya Pradesh, Organised "Kalidas Samaroh" (a Festival in honour of great ancient Indian Poet) attended by the President of India. Devised and conducted a programme of hearing on public grievances in the court of Commissioner.
1998-00 Managing Director, M.P. State Cooperative S.C. Finance & Development Corporation, Bhopal in charge of arranging and financing large scale loans for the purchase of all types of motor vehicles like three wheelers, four wheelers viz. passenger cars, mini buses, trucks, tractors, harvester-combines, jeeps to the beneficiaries in the state for improving their economic status.
1996-98 Member Secretary, State Finance Commission, Bhopal to examine and recommend for a period of five years to the state government for statutory allocation of state revenues to the local bodies like Municipal Corporations, other town areas and Panchayats at the District, Janpad and Village levels.
1994-96 Managing Director, M.P. State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. Bhopal. Organized a State Level Seminar on "Marketing of Agri. Produce" and an exhibition on "Agri. Inputs " in May 1995 at Bhopal in which about 1000 Farmers from various parts of the State participated and benefited.
1993-94 Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford, U.K.
1993-Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corporation Bhopal in charge of development and exploitation of mineral resources like bauxite, phosphate, dolomite, alexandrite, corundum, diamond, river sand, lime stone etc. for the economic development of the state.
1992-93 Commissioner, Women & Child Development, Bhopal, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.
1990-92 Divisional Commissioner, Sagar Division Sagar, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Supervision and Co-ordination of Collectors of Five Districts in the Division. Chairman of Sagar Cooperative Dairy union, Regional Transport Authority in charge of regulation and granting of permits for motor vehicles run by transport companies.
1986-90: Regional Officer, Central Board of Film Certification, Madras, Department of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Information & Broad-Casting, Government of India.
1985-86: Director, Ministry of Labour, Government of India, New Delhi in charge of National Wage Policy, Minimum Wages Act, Bonus Act etc.
1982-85: Director, Employment and Training, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur in charge of Management of 80 Employment Exchanges and 51 Industrial Training Institutes for Training of around 12000 Craftsmen and Apprentices per annum, Management of District Man-Power Planning and Employment Generation Councils in 45 districts.
1977-82: Collector / District Magistrate / Development Administrator, In charge of General Administration, law and Order, Industrial Development, Rehabilitation of International Refugees, Setting up of an Industrial Estate, Land Acquisition for industrial projects in Betul & Sagar districts and Power Sub-stations all over Sagar District. Organization of Credit Camps at Block levels for sanction & delivery of rural credit and also Mobile Courts at different corners of the district for on-the-spot re-dressal of Public grievances, Disposal of revenue cases etc. Chairman of District Central Cooperative Bank, Betul & Sagar and Chairman of Betul & Sagar Dairy Projects. Project Director of Integrated Tribal Development Programme and Drought-prone Area Programme, Massive programme of organizing elected public representatives for Community Development Works.
1973-77 Development Administration at the Sub-Division and District Level. Encouraging Industrialization along with Management of Land Records.
1970: Assistant Economist, Directorate of Town Planning, Government of Tamil Nadu, Madras.
Projects Handled
Macro-level Planning and Policy-making:
The new State of Chhattisgarh in 2001-02 required a quick review of policies prevalent in the erstwhile State of Madhya Pradesh and to frame a new set of policies in various sectors relevant to the industrial growth in the light of its need and potential. This onerous job was entrusted to me in the capacity of Principal Secretary, Industry, Commerce and Public Enterprises. As many as Seventeen Policies including Industrial Policy, Mining Policy, Energy Policy, Housing and Environment Policy and Labour Policy were prepared with the help of concerned departmental heads and experts in the field and got approved by the State Cabinet in a record time i.e. on or before 1-11-01.
As the head of the industrial development in the state, I had maintained an excellent liaison and coordination among the top executives of several public and private sector giants like National Thermal Power Corporation, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, South Eastern Central Railway, National Mineral Development Corporation, Bhilai Steel Plant (a holding company of Steel Authority of India Ltd), Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, Jaiswal-Neco Pvt. Ltd and Major Cement Companies like L&T, Raymond, Century, La Farge, Ambujas, A.C.C etc
State Investment Promotion Board:
With a view to expediting the process of sanction and clearances of various kinds in the establishment of mega and medium industries, a felt-need was recognized to give statutory backing to the commitments announced by the state government by enacting a new legislation called the Chhattisgarh Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2002. The Act contained the fixed time frame for each and every activity for which the entrepreneur would move applications for approval / clearance or require recommendation to be sent to various agencies of Government of India. I was basically instrumental in bringing this legislation and also made in charge of its implementation in the initial period. This arrangement had indeed created a tremendous amount of faith and confidence among major investors of the country and as much as Rs. 600 Billion worth of proposals were received in such a short tenure of mine in the department and many of them got converted into M.O.Us executed and signed. Many new ventures like Cycle Park, Food Park, Gem & Jewellery Park and Garment Park were initiated by me and kept in different stages of implementation.
Balco (Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd) Expansion:
Government of India divested its major controlling share of the company and Sterlite Pvt. Ltd, took over its management after the intervention of the Supreme Court of India. Despite strong resentment and resistance on the part of state machinery, I had played a major role in changing the hostile atmosphere and successfully negotiated an expansion plan for Rs. 60 Billion and signed an M.O.U with this group in Chennai on 29th May 2002. This is one of the most successful plans executed and the best example of public-private partnership in the state so far.
Minerals and Metals:
As the Principal Secretary in charge of Mineral Resources and the Managing Director of Mineral Development Corporation for almost three years I was responsible for systematic development of various mines bearing minerals like bauxite, lime stone, marble stone, granite stone, gem stones like corundum, garnet etc., dolomite, iron ore, tin and uranium. After a thoughtful planning, I allowed for the first time major Multinational Companies like De Beers, Rio Tinto, Geo Mysore, to undertake Reconnaissance Survey on large tracts of land in the state to explore the possibility of metals like gold, platinum, copper and silver and minerals like diamond, alexandrite etc. for period of three years to be followed by prospective mining.
Similarly I was responsible for getting the first coalmine in the country under the revised guidelines (Tara - Hasdeo Arand coalfield) with a deposit of 315 million tons for State Mineral Corporation from the Government of India after a lot of persuasion and planning. I had also successfully negotiated and obtained many such coal blocks bearing several hundred million tons of deposits for captive mining by the steel companies established in the state both in the public and private sectors.
Other Projects
Land Reforms
Agriculture and allied activities: Farmers especially small and marginal land holders identified and helped through different programmes like horticulture, bio-gas plant, lift irrigation, cultivation of seeds and pulses etc. Animal husbandry measures. Farm Forestry and social forestry taken up with State funds.
Drought Relief Programme
As Chairman of Drought-Prone Area Development Programme in Betul District, Designed and developed medium term strategic corporate plans and strategies for creation of permanent assets to restrain the severity of drought conditions. Food for work programme launched with the surplus food stocks of the Government for creating employment to the farmers and land-less labourers in the countryside.
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Credit plans and annual action plans for rural development prepared and implemented with the help of various government departments and commercial and cooperative banking institutions. Intensive and extensive tours made in rural areas for about ten years at a stretch.
Wage Policy at the National level
Played a major role in revising the minimum wages under the unorganized sector for several occupations. Responsible for devising a method of calculating “Regional Minimum Wages” for different regions in the country during 1985-86.Took legal and administrative steps for establishment of National Wage Boards for Journalists and Sugar industry workers.
Woman and Child Development
As the Head of the Department, supervised the implementation of supplementary nutrition to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers with the help of agencies like CARE, WFP etc. health check-up and surveys and non-formal pre-school education to children between 3 and 6 years of age through 210 Integrated Child Development Scheme projects, with a network of 26650 Anganwadi (Service) Centres, covering about 25,00,000 beneficiaries. Devised measures and initiated schemes for the economic development of women in rural areas.
Training Undertaken
Ø "Man-power Planning & Management Development" in Institute of Applied Man power Research, New Delhi:
Ø "Management Development Programme" in Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
Ø "Computer Applications in Governemnt" by Computer Maintenance Corporation, New Delhi.
Ø "Management Concept, Decision-making technique" in Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad:
Ø "Advanced Course on Financial Management" in Institute of Financial Management and Research, Madras:
Ø "Industrial Policy, Planning and Development" in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore:
Ø "Ethics in Administration" in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy Of Administration, Mussoorie.
Ø "Refresher Course for Senior Managers" in Indian Instt.of Public Admn.New Delhi.
Ø "Negotiation Skills" in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore:
Ø "Foundation and professional Course for Indian Administrative Service Officers" in National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
Ø "Changing patterns of District Administration" in National Community Development Institute, Hyderabad
Ø "Opportunities for development of Fruits & Vegetables Processing and Marketing" in Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management, Pune
Ø "International Business Management" in Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad
Social Service:
Encouraged voluntary and Non-governmental organizations (N G Os) for more than two decades in every organization served so far starting with the Christian Missionaries (sisters) engaged in education and health care in the tribal belts of Jashpur Nagar (1973-75), Raigarh District and Padhar (1977-79), Betul District. Mobilized free labour for the community works involving youth, graduates and government servants and executed several projects in different places (1973-75, 1976, 1977-79, 1980-82, 1990-92). Organized camps for universal immunization for school-going children in rural areas.(1977-78). Organized tent touring as the collector of Sagar District and worked for the removal of untouchability in remote areas (1979-82). Encouraged and participated in eye-camps and rehabilitation of physically handicapped (1990-92). Had organized community participation in free manual labour for protection of a big lake (Sagar lake in M.P state), construction of roads and stop dams etc. (1990-92)
Honorary Societies:
An active honorary member of International Rotary Club. Awarded for the “Best Service to Society” by the Rotary Club at Sagar in 1991.
Governor of the province awarded a certificate of merit for doing excellent service through the medium of Hindi, as an Administrator (1984)
International Exposure:
Visited the following countries:-
United States of America
United Kingdom
France & Italy
Netherlands & Belgium
Luxembourg & Switzerland
Taiwan & Thailand
Singapore & Malaysia
Sri Lanka & Maldives
United Arab Emirates
Impact of P.L. 480 on Indian Economy,
Loyola College, Madras Annual Number 1969-70.
Economic Development with Social Justice: a paper read and published during the Annual conference of Madhya Pradesh ( the central and the biggest province in India) Economic Association, Bhopal, 1976.
Camp Approach in District Administration in July-December 1983 issue of “Management in Government”, the Journal of Administrative Reforms, Department of Personnel and A.R, Government of India, New Delhi Vol.No. XV No.2 and 3.
Self-employment in Rural Areas :Kurukshetra Vol.XXXII No.11 New Delhi, August 1984
Employment Opportunities at Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh “Sandesh” , a Journal of M.P. Government. Bhopal, 1984
Shortage Categories of Employment in Madhya Pradesh in ‘Rozgar and Nirman’ (Employment and Construction) a journal of M.P. Government, Bhopal, 1985
Heritage and Development of Sagar District, Sharda Publishing House, Delhi 1992.(Hindi)
Small farming in Central India Sharda Publishing House, Delhi 1995.
Unity of India, National Mail, Bhopal Oct,1997
Utility of Higher Education in Madhya Pradesh, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 22nd July, 1998
India’s Agriculture by 2020 A.D, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 6th September, 1998
Budget Receipts of Madhya Pradesh Government, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 21st September,1998
Strategy For Rural Development, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 29th November and 6th December,1998
Management of Water Resources in Madhya Pradesh, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 16th, 17th and 18th December,1998
Film Censorship in India under Fire? National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 31st December,1998
State Governments’ Role in Economic Reforms, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 10th February,1999
Insurance against Inflation in Indian context, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 16th February,1999
Electoral Reforms in India, M.P.Chronicle, Bhopal Dated 22nd March,1999
The Lesson that Indore has to learn from the city of Surat (in Hindi) Nai Dunia, a vernacular daily from Bhopal, Dated 27th March,1999
Ancient Pataliputra and Modern Patna, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 31st March,1999
Progress and pitfalls of Indian Nascent Nationhood, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 7th April, 1999
Lazy and Lousy, National Mail, Bhopal 11th April,1999
Financial Resources of Bhopal ( the city-famous of world’s biggest industrial disaster in 1983) Municipal Corporation, M.P.Chronicle, 19th & 20th April, 1999
Campaign through Camps, National Mail, Bhopal, Dated 11th May, 1999
Shortages and Surpluses, M.P.Chronicle, 24th may,1999
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