State action by AIADMK government led to the formation of special cells with 410 police personnel and a budgetary allocation of Rs 20 crore. Similarly 25 special courts (2 in Chennai and the rest – one each in the districts) were set up by a separate order on August 11, 2011.
So far the special cells for the land grab cases received nearly 17000 complaints but 700 and odd FIRs only could be registered.
Such an action on the part of the state government received a setback when the Madras High Court stopped filing of charge sheets in the matter on the basis of a PIL filed by advocate P.Ganesan alleging lot of infirmities and illegalities in the state action. One defect is that the word ‘land grab’ has not been properly defined in the order leading to lot of confusion and enabling all sorts of complaints being reported to the police.
One has to wait and watch the fate of those complaints filed by the private parties not only against the leading party leaders including former ministers in the former DMK ministry but also those between two private individuals or families with the police.
(Times of India, Tuesday, July 31, 2012)
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